
【2024-05-22 08:10:40爱思瑞网快讯】Unicode Consoritum已经提交了Unicode 16的提案,其中包括七个新的emoji字符,如竖琴,铲子,指纹和带有眼袋的表情。

一个emoji从构思到实现的时间线很长,Unicode Consoritum透露了接下来可能会出现的情况。在测试期结束确定最终版本后,像苹果这样的公司将需要创建每个新emoji的自己版本。


The Unicode Consortium has submitted the proposal for Unicode 16, which includes seven new emoji characters like harp, shovel, fingerprint, and face with bags under eyes.

The timeline from the conception to implementation of an emoji is a long one, and the Unicode Consortium has revealed what might be coming next. After the beta period finalizes what is going into the final release, companies like Apple will have to create their own versions of each new emoji.

The images included in the proposal aren’t the final version, nor are they what will appear in various operating systems. After the emoji are approved, it will be up to Apple, Google, and other companies to create their own artistic interpretation of each emoji.

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